From the main court yard, a narrow entranceway leads into the garage court area



In FLW’s time, the hillside was populated with oak trees. Sadly, the last of these trees fell during a storm in recent years. This bell used to hang from one of the oaks. The cat on guard duty followed us along our tour.


This structure above the garage was once the “Farm Cottage.”  Originally the farm buildings were incorporated into the main compound at Taliesin. Once the apprentices started arriving more room was needed. The animals and farm equipment were relocated a short distance away and the former farm buildings were converted into living space.

Entering the Garage Court area

This flower box was originally a horse’s watering troth.



The area in front of the car was once the stable.


The angled structure at the end of the garage was once a tractor shed and poultry incubation area.

The narrow stairway to its right brought back memories of the 21inch wide hallways at Kentuck Knob where Wright based the width on the amount of space needed to carry packages through the corridors of Pullman train cars.


Wright loved the statue he had installed for a client and had a copy made for Taliesin. Its little portal is an entranceway to an upper and lower world.

The doorway at right leads into what was a “cool room” and ice storage area.


The stairway is pleasantly disorienting. I felt my normal expectations of lawn and roof had been reversed.


The arched doorway leads into an underground root cellar


An enclosed walkway connects the two sides of the garage court.

The large structure at right is an area that was designed for music recitals. The exact number of pianos FLW had at Taliesin is uncertain, however at one time, there were at least six.

The small horizontal area visible between the bushes is the former feed room. To its left, behind the bushes is the one time chicken coop… I mean “poultry house.” No one lives in this area.


The Main Entrance runs parallel to the garage driveway, leading into the Entrance Court.



Guarding the Entrance Court is a pair of Fu-fu dogs intended to ward off evil spirits.


The carport area of the Entrance Court.

Rungs for tethering horses are still found at various entranceways.


Our group heads back into the main courtyard.


Very dark. Looking up into an air vent, you can see charred timbers reinforced with newer wood. The fire stopped at this point, before doing damage to the studio. Wright felt this was a sign that he should continue his work.