RichNYC was heading into west into work in Manhattan from Queens on Tuesday morning
Last time I saw Rich I think was when he was standing up asleep for the Homecoming Panoramic Pic, just a week ago.
Warning: Some of the pics On Rich's "WTC pics" link are VERY graphic, they show people dying. They are in the section he marked "Other Pictures sent to me." If you go to see them, please be respectful. We share them to vent our pain at their suffering.
WTC - What I saw on way to work
Posted by Rich-NYC on September 11, 2001 at 09:56:14:
(posted from: 66-108-78-228.nyc.rr.com (

Sorry about the spelling errors, but I am just a little shaken up right now. I work in the downtown area and was 30 min late for work this morning. this is what i saw on my way in. Notice the "mushroom looking cloud" that is when the 2nd plain hit. I was listening to the radio at the time and it was a horror. I made a quick U turn and headed for my parents house. I am now comunicating with people at work via 2 way pages and all seem to be around. I am a very peaceful person but right now I pray that G. Bush sends the whole US armed forces to the people that are claiming responsabilit and distoryes every thing in sight. Sorry about this but I am just really angry and shaken up right now. Do not want to think what would have happened if I was on time to work. More pics here http://www.globalsyndicate.com/wtc/
Mark Volk was at work in the Pentagon
Thanks for All The Concern! (m)
Posted by MarkV(olk) on September 11, 2001 at 16:26:13:
(posted from: 108.washington-15rh16rt.dc.dial-access.att.net (
I wanted to say THANKS to all of the folks who posted/emailed/called to check up on me. Please now say a prayer for the folks who didn't make it out of the Pentagon, the World Trade Center, the hijacked airplanes and their families - they will need all we can give them in the coming days.I was in the Pentagon at the time and very close to the impact point - not sure if my office still exists based on the pictures on TV showing the part of the Pentagon that crumbled after burning. Luckily all of the folks who work for me made it out OK. After they had all been evaced, I grabbed a fire extinguisher and was out on the E ring with several other people checking offices when a second explosion rocked us (I think it was the AVGAS tank at the helipad just outside of my boss's office) going up in a secondary detonation. At that point we knew we had to get out - and did. I can't tell you how many calls and emails Lynn and I have had checking on me - this group of people is like a huge extended family. God, it's great! More to follow, Mark Volk
Mick was at his office in Lower Manhattan, near the World Trade Center. Part of his trip home to Staten Island was by New York Police Speedboat

(Mick and Rita, March 31, 2001 at Fixit Day)
Pics from lower Manhattan...
Posted by Mick on September 11, 2001 at 21:06:03:
(posted from: pool-151-202-79-228.ny5030.east.verizon.net (

Hi all,I hope everyone I've come to know on this board is okay today. I spent most of the day trekking through lower Manhattan trying to get home and here are some horrifying pics to give you a closer look...
 The Vigil Begins in Union Square
The purple light in the building in the background is my home
Tuesday September 11, 2001
****Ways To Contribute Here!****
WTC Z3ers
Prelude to War Introduction~~
Tuesday September 11 NYC Z3ers in danger ~~
RichNYC, Mark V, Mick & the Vigil Begins
Wednesday September 12 The Morning After, Accounting for the Living~~
W.B, TimUK, Jake, Jahox, Lisa, edscuba, Alan
Thursday September 13 Rebuild and Remembering~~
TomY, Betty ///M
Friday September 14 Rising Up in Prayers~~ SigmaNu6, SHZ3, BMW Manufacturing, Inside the Night Vigil
Found Friends, Saturday September 15
RichNYC, Mario, JonT, Lisa, Rachel, Dadofour
Part 1 Leaving NYC ~~
Part 2 Blood, Police and Prayer ~~
Part 3 Faces, Friends and Hugs ~~
Part 4 Laughter and photos ~~
Part 5 Catharsis Drive ~~
Part 6 September 4th of July ~~
Part 7 Good Eats ~~
Part 8 Trespassing ~~
Part 9 Skipping Bricks ~~
Part 10 Packing out in Glory ~~
Part 11 Country Roads ~~
Part 12 Dunkin Doughnuts ~~
Part 13 Mario and Leann's ~~
Part 14 New City Lights ~~
Part 15 Back at the Message Board Saturday night~~ (Teachum's Video File)
Sunday September 16, More Z3ers come home ~~ Pat, Zeattle Dave, NKYBimmer
Monday September 17, Z3ers Creating Beauty~~ (Flag Z3) Kevin in NH, DaveP, Bill WJZBMW, Inside the Daytime Vigil (a lot of graphics- all worth it imho)
Tuesday September 18, Comics~~
Wednesday September 19, Volunteering~~ MJDude
many more Z3ers and people have been helping, more than I could mention, THANK YOU!
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