Not surprisingly, the owners of Tapoco Lodge have a Z3, or so I am told. :) Hot and wet and humid we jumped into the Tapoco Lodge pool and discussed Internet dating, and Zeegar's luck with women- (especially when he says he has to go), women's hair, and Z3 Power (Nathan)'s antenna. (Nathan has a big antenna, don't ask.) Z3 Power (Nathan) drove Emmy up the Dragon to the ![]() Hilton Knoxville Airport. (Traffic Pro came in handy here again to find our way, Nathan had never been there before and I wasn't paying attention when I came down with Brent and Connie.) It was marvelous to see Emmy perform the way that Z3 Power (Nathan)'s car had. Z3 Power (Nathan) liked my Porterfield brake pads and my Bridgestone Potenza SO2s better than the brake pads he was using and the tires- kudos to Shawn Fogg for the brake pads and JohnB for the tires :) Gotta look into the 4 points where the sway bars can be welded. Hmmm Shawn? Nathan says it's good for Emmy... We got up to the Hilton around 8pm to find the Midwest Convoy- it looked like about 50 cars- lined up in the lot (the right way, head out and all together). And Than and Charlie's car from New Joisey too! ![]() Linda and Fred opened their birthday gift quilts from Connie and the Midwest Group and ate birthday cake. ![]() ![]() ![]() These quilts were gorgeous- matched Z3s riding off into the sunset... even the license plates Connie is amazing ![]() They were too tired to even leave the hotel, so we all ended up in the Hilton restaurant and bar, swapping lies and tall tales and harassing the wait staff. (Jody do you think that Nathan is scary?) There were Midwest Z3ers descending the glass elevators, Midwest Z3ers in the bar, Midwest Z3ers at every table, Midwest Z3ers in the Concierge Lounge, ![]() ![]() Midwest Z3ers in the parking lot. Many MANY Thanks to Teachum for setting up the Alcoa Hilton rooms!!!! Lots of hugging and Connie's fabulous birthday quilts for Linda and Fred (Teachum.) We caught up with Dadofour (Than) and his super son Charlie at that point. They had driven down from NJ in one day, starting at 4am. They got to the Dragon probably within minutes of when I left with the NC boys for the Tapoco Lodge. YAKYAKYAKYAKYAKYAK it was midnight by the time Nathan and Zeegar headed back down the Dragon to the Tapoco Lodge. (There is a story about that- but it's their story to tell). Yes, MinnMark and the rest of you Minnosotans, here is the address of the ![]() ***Frank Lloyd Wright Gas station in Minnesota**** you better go there!!!! C'mon Minnesota!!! Get me some pics of your cars there please!!!!! While we were hanging out in Alcoa- the rest of the Z3ers were partying strong in Nashville. |
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