Let's do it. Let's be better than we were. LIGHT UP THE USA We would like to ask that you pass this on to all of your friends. St. Clare's WTC Outreach would like to sponsor a simple ceremony to honor the memory of all of those lost on 9/11. On WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 at 9:11 PM We ask that everyone who wishes, to stand in front of their homes or place of business with a lighted candle. We will also ask the local churches to chime their bells for a few moments. We feel that this simple ceremony will show how we are united in our quest to not only remember our lost loved ones but will continue to reach out and do whatever is needed to help our friends who continue to suffer. We think that this simple display will show the heart and soul of America. I hope that you will be able to get the word out to as many people as possible to make this a truly memorable tribute. ![]()