Emmy Comes Home
I got Emmy back yesterday- but not without a fight. :-(
They did a fine job of painting and stuff but then they stuck the old chipped "Z3" and Roundel chrome bits on with double stick tape that wasn't cut right and it
looked pretty bad. They got ugly when I told them to take the chrome bits off. Bob Smith came to help and got them to take the chrome bits off, but they pulled a
spot (about the size of a matchhead) of the paint off in the process. So, I paid full price for my car and a handful of chipped chrome bits. I think I can find a place to
take care of the paint spot and to order new chrome bits. I hope so.
At least I did get to drive my baby home and it was fun fun fun... :-) I got a little bit of the fine fall color and Emmy looked charming among the yellow leaves.
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