John Moran
Is it lunch time already?
"Gee, how do you like that strut brace?"... "Boy, I think you should get chrome door handles" ... "Can I get some missing stickers, my //M logo has fallen off and can't get up!"
l to r, Melissa and John Pupeck, their Steel Gray 2.3, Alan Gottloeb and Mick, Gadi's Topaz 2.3, some of Daniels' customers, Dan Neeman's mobile office, Ed Bansch's baby, Frank Neher the techinian, another Daniels' technician, Bill Garner and Emmy, JonT, ???baby, JonT's baby more of the Dent removal team
630AM, Off to See the Wizard ~~ 830am, Enter the Virginians ~~
9am, Phil B's ///MOMO ~~ 930am, Ed and Melissa~ Owner Mods ~~
10am, JohnMCoupe and Rory~ No Place Like Home ~~ 1030am, Emmy Gets a Zaino Bath ~~
11am, Leather Repair ~~ 1130am, Paintless Dent Repair ~~
YOU ARE HERE, Lunch Time ~~ 1pm, Daniel's Drawing (Prospective New Parents) ~~
130pm, Meet The Winners ~~ 2pm, Handing out Cigars ~~
230pm, Gadi Gets Xpel Invisible Sheild ~~ 3pm, Mick Gets Footwell Lights ~~
330pm, JonT's Cold Air Install ~~ 4ish pm, Happy Trails ~~

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