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Z3 Homecoming 1999

The Shag Diary

This Shagadelic Convoy
dedicated to William J. Zehrung, MD
Latest Update- September 12, 1999


Homecoming '99 Shag Diary

Shagadelic Convoy A-GoGo
(Download video clips of the dancers)
Washington, PA Eastern Ohio Center Ohio "Sin"ci
(Click on the image to play the avi file)
Last year, Homecoming was as quick as I could make it. Down to SC in one day, 2 days of partying and back in one day. This year I promised myself to make it different and I did. 3 days to get there, 2 days of partying there and 2 days of getting home. It was like a big treasure hunt and boy, did I get the goodies! I tried to ride with as many convoys and as many Z3's as I could and I did. Sooooo naturally, this is going to be a long story.
Step 1- Brewery to Brewery
It starts on Tuesday at 2pm in the afternoon in Union Square, New York City. Emmy was shining brightly in the sun, which might explain the behavior of one man who- attracted like a moth to her flame began ranting at me about everything on his deranged mind, swinging a pen dangerously close to her body panels. We were trapped there. Another man appeared, sporting a suit and a bowtie and stood between Emmy and the deranged man before summoning the police who were nearby with large "NYPD" buses. The police were gallant, offering us refuge close to them by their buses. "But don't get too close" he said, "we are transferring prisoners".

Who knew they transfer prisoners in the middle of Union Square?
Soon enough the other NYC Z3'ers showed up. Howie was first because I lied to him and told him that the meeting time was a half hour earlier than it was. Hey, it worked didn't it? He was without the local brew for the pool party in SC though and not too thrilled about it. As soon as he parked his car he noticed the Heartland Brewery right in back of him and picked up his stash. The whole trip was magic like that, things popping up as soon as they were wanted.
By the time 3pm rolled around I had had way too much of people getting too damn close to the cars and we took off on schedule without Tom Young. I heard from him later that it was a good thing
He writes:
"...I had a crisis (crashed server) at the office and did not get home until well after 10pm...I wanted to at least call and let you know I was going to be at least late, but didn't even have a chance to dig through the phone list...plan B wasn't happening ... -Tom (sniff..sniff, I never get to have any fun)"
We met up with our cameraman on 7th Avenue, got the camera from him and headed for the Holland Tunnel.
I think we waited outside the tunnel in traffic for about a half hour.
YOU ARE HERE, ~~ 2- Pennsylvania, ~~ 3- Buckeyes, ~~ 4- Cin-cy, ~~
5-Midwest Z3ers @ The BMW Store, ~~ 6-Kentucky, ~~ 7-Nashville, ~~ 8-Dragon Morning @ John B's, ~~
9-Homecoming Friday, ~~ 10- Homecoming Saturday, ~~ 11- The Trip Home, ~~

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