Currently the only info I have is for Keg<->PhatBox, VW<->PhatBox and BMW(Blitzsafe)<->PhatBox
Please note that these pinouts could be incorrect, I personally mapped
out the music keg so am relatively sure that is correct but the BMW and
VW information is from a third party. I am not responsible for any
damage that could be caused by the use of this information.
Feel free to email me if you see any problems or need clarification at
The Phatbox end of a cable is 3M Part#10126-3000VE or 10126-6000EC and can be ordered from: HERE or HERE respectively
The MBUS Connector should be: Kobiconn 8PIN DIN PN#171-0278
PhatBox Pins (Verified for Kenwood, VW and BMW)
1 -------> Left Audio +
2 -------> Right Audio +
3 -------> Audio Ground
4, 16 ---> Ground
10, 13 --> VCar
14 ------> ACC
Music Keg
Kenwood CD-Changer interface info from
1 - IN/OUT - CH_CLK - Clock input/output for changer
2 - IN - Audio left channel
3 - OUT - CH-DATAH - Data output to changer
4 - IN - CH-DATAC - Data input from changer
5 - IN - CH-REQC - Request input from changer; "Low" : Request
6 - IN - Audio right channel
7 - OUT - CH-RST - Reset output to changer
8 - AGND - Audio Ground
9 - IN - CH-MUTE - Mute request from changer; "High" : Mute
10 - OUT - CH-CON - Changer control; "High" : Operation mode "Low" : Standby
11 - Vcc +12V
12 - Ground
13 - OUT - CH-REQH - Request output to changer; "Low" : Request
VSD of pinouts for Music Keg
PhatNoise/BMW (Blitzsafe)
Click here for some info you should read if you're installing to BMW
VSD of pinouts for BMW
VSD of pinouts for VW
Follow this link for a page that explains quite well and has all the pinouts etc...
I will be updating this page at some time to mirror the information in
my own format, assuming I get the permission of the author