Old 04-15-2004, 11:50 PM
zestieboy zestieboy is offline
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Location: NJ
Z3 & I30
Ron Stygar writes:
Originally Posted by Hobbes382
4773- are my only CD changer options the older Becker CDC-3 / 2660 or the Becker/Silverstone 7860 and nothing else?

I know the CDC-3 works.

Thanks so much for your time.

I'm bringing it back to the shop for them to check the GAL wiring and I got a 7860 changer new for $275. I know about it always returning back to CD1/Track1 but I can live with that. I'll ebay the oem bmw changer.
Old 04-21-2004, 12:21 AM
z3scot z3scot is offline
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Mein auto:2002 M Roadster
DIY Cable

For those making your own adapter cable, some hints I found.

1) The cheap Scosche adapter (P.N. BW01B $7.95) does not use the BMW pins. It does not have pin 10 installed (GAL signal), and does not have extra unused pins. I could not find any pins to fit this connector.

2) I bought another adapter (Metra 70-8590 $14.99) at Fry's electronics, thinking I would remove a pin from this one for the Scosche. Turns out this adapter uses BMW pins, so that idea didn't work.

3) I bought some BMW pins (61-13-0-007-452 $2.69) at the dealer, inserted it into the Metra connector pin 10 and I was good to go.

4) I followed Mpire suggestion, and mounted the GPS antenna on top of the center plastic air duct, under the dash, by removing the center air vent. It's easy as pie, and I get great satellite reception 7,8,9 and even 10 satellites. I even get 4 or 5 in my garage.

5) I hooked the reverse wire to the ground pin, no problems so far.

-- Scott
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