Old 04-29-2004, 02:40 PM
hdd3md hdd3md is offline
Location: Chicago, IL
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 122
Mein auto:2001 M Rdstr/2003 X54.6is

had same problem with mine in the roadster. it appears the central HVAC location is not ideal. i mounted mine behind the cluster in the top of the dash pod inside the pod, with only plastic above it. now get between 9 and 10 sats at all times.

consider moving it there.

Old 04-29-2004, 08:00 PM
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Ron Stygar Ron Stygar is offline
Location: 12 Oak Drive, Marlborough, CT 06447 (860-295-9986) ronstygar@aol.com
Originally Posted by DannO
Got mine installed. It was great while it worked. Getting 0 satellites now. Will pull it tomorrow and swap parts with my buddy until we figure out if it's the antenna or the head unit. Bah. Guess that's what you get when you buy the last of the last. Hope HK has some parts tucked away for me!

Connect to: http://www.trafficpro2.com/v4ford_install.pdf
and check out pages 50 > 56.
Not the same unit, but better install instructions compared to what your book has.
Gots to have your almanacs. Dump power to the unit and you have to start over again.

Connect to: http://www.trafficpro2.com/UG7200USenglishRevA.pdf
Not the same unit, but better operation instructions compared to what your book has.

I did an antenna test a few weeks ago. Under the dash behind the instrument cluster 6>7 satelites. Under the dash above the center grille duct 7 satelites. This varies depending where you place it above the duct. I did it live while receiving satelites for optimum position. On top of the dash, centered up to the windshield 8 satelites. On top of the roof 8 satelites. The company that makes our coupe antenna that has phone and radio also makes one that has phone, radio and GPS. Plan on replacing the stock one with one of these on both cars this coming Winter.
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