Originally Posted by Ron Stygar
Ordered the E46 Traffic Pro install plate today. 65 90 0 139 640 $37.50 retail.
I bought the BMW radio frame a while ago. There are 2 pieces to it: the
actual radio frame and a spacer. If you install the TP without the
spacer, the TP sits in too deeply in the radio frame. The spacer lets
the TP sit just right.
BTW, I got the wrong E46 harness from Becker so I'm waiting for the new
one to show up for my E46. In the end I should have a red TP in my E36
and a BMW TP in my E46. The fact that the BMW TPs illumination matches
so nicely is causing me to seriously consider getting a separate BMW TP
faceplate for $375 for the E36.
Any of you amber H/K TP guys want to buy a red TP faceplate for cheap?