RichNYC was heading into west into work in Manhattan from Queens on Tuesday morning
Last time I saw Rich I think was when he was standing up asleep for the Homecoming Panoramic Pic, just a week ago.
WTC - What I saw on way to work

Posted by Rich-NYC on September 11, 2001 at 09:56:14:

    (posted from: 66-108-78-228.nyc.rr.com (

Sorry about the spelling errors, but I am just a little shaken up right now. I work in the downtown area and was 30 min late for work this morning. this is what i saw on my way in. Notice the "mushroom looking cloud" that is when the 2nd plain hit. I was listening to the radio at the time and it was a horror.
I made a quick U turn and headed for my parents house. I am now comunicating with people at work via 2 way pages and all seem to be around.

I am a very peaceful person but right now I pray that G. Bush sends the whole US armed forces to the people that are claiming responsabilit and distoryes every thing in sight.

Sorry about this but I am just really angry and shaken up right now. Do not want to think what would have happened if I was on time to work.

More pics here

Mark Volk was at work in the Pentagon
Thanks for All The Concern! (m)

Posted by MarkV(olk) on September 11, 2001 at 16:26:13:

    (posted from: 108.washington-15rh16rt.dc.dial-access.att.net (
I wanted to say THANKS to all of the folks who posted/emailed/called to check up on me. Please now say a prayer for the folks who didn't make it out of the Pentagon, the World Trade Center, the hijacked airplanes and their families - they will need all we can give them in the coming days.

I was in the Pentagon at the time and very close to the impact point - not sure if my office still exists based on the pictures on TV showing the part of the Pentagon that crumbled after burning. Luckily all of the folks who work for me made it out OK. After they had all been evaced, I grabbed a fire extinguisher and was out on the E ring with several other people checking offices when a second explosion rocked us (I think it was the AVGAS tank at the helipad just outside of my boss's office) going up in a secondary detonation. At that point we knew we had to get out - and did.

I can't tell you how many calls and emails Lynn and I have had checking on me - this group of people is like a huge extended family. God, it's great!

More to follow,

Mark Volk

Mick was at his office in Lower Manhattan, near the World Trade Center. Part of his trip home to Staten Island was by New York Police Speedboat
Pics from lower Manhattan...

Posted by Mick on September 11, 2001 at 21:06:03:

    (posted from: pool-151-202-79-228.ny5030.east.verizon.net (

Hi all,

I hope everyone I've come to know on this board is okay today. I spent most of the day trekking through lower Manhattan trying to get home and here are some horrifying pics to give you a closer look...

Im Missouri, Brent was rounding up people for blood drives
Last time I had seen Brent was also at Homecoming. I am very grateful that I had just been with so many friends, and was able to hug them and let them know how much I appreciate them.
Blood Drive in full swing

Posted by W.B. on September 12, 2001 at 07:07:11:

    (posted from: (
After the immediate call and some confusion the St. Louis area is donating all they can. lets get it out there.

Follow Ups:

In London, Alexandra was praying for us, sending words of solidarity -even though she'd never met us.
We'd met her parents, Irene and Tim, at Homecoming last week.
Looks like you did a helluva good job raising your daughter Mr and & Mrs Cullis.
Hope to see you at next year's Homecoming Alexandra, or sooner.
Another time I was grateful to have had a chance to hug these people.

My deepest deepest sympathies

Posted by Alexandra (London) on September 12, 2001 at 09:28:16:

    (posted from: gated.kw.bbc.co.uk (
I am Tim(UK message boardhost)'s daughter and I work for BBC News in London. I came back to my desk after my lunch break yesterday to see the live footage of the first tower on fire. We could only watch in absolute horror and disbelief as the situation worsened.

I couldn't relax until I reached the safety of my own home last night and then was kept up by the news until the early hours.

I am full of admiration for the way you have all pulled together and encouraged/comforted each other, and you are all in mine and my friends' prayers.

From Virginia, Jake was organizing demonstrations of patriotism, and writing me on the side begging to come up with a van full of food for the victims and rescuers. I could not help him. I could not even find out where to contribute food, clothing, shelter and blood myself.
So next Tuesday... headlights on and flag is possi

Posted by Ox///M on September 12, 2001 at 13:47:30:

    (posted from: (
possible. Now we need to spread the word.

Possible message:

Subject: Headlights ON, Tuesday the 18th of Sept.

In memory of all those that have lost their lives or loved ones in this national tragedy, we ask that everyone drive with their headlights on. Please keep your headlights on as a symbol of support to the families that are suffering during this terrible time. If you are able, attach an American flag to your antenna or window.

Most importantly, spread the word.

Tuesday the 18th of September.

Jake Spruill

Does this work?

In Florida, Jayhox was finding and posting words of resolve. This one particularly helped me through a tough moment. It spoke for me.
Another well written statement of our resolve

Posted by Jayhox on September 12, 2001 at 16:12:32:

    (posted from: (
By Leonard Pitts Jr. of the Miami Herald

We'll go forward from this moment

It's my job to have something to say. They pay me to provide words that help make sense of that which troubles the American soul. But in this moment of airless shock when hot tears sting disbelieving eyes, the only thing I can find to say, the only words that seem to fit, must be addressed to the unknown author of this suffering.

You monster. You beast. You unspeakable bastard.

What lesson did you hope to teach us by your coward's attack on our World Trade Center, our Pentagon, us? What was it you hoped we would learn? Whatever it was, please know that you failed.

Did you want us to respect your cause? You just damned your cause.

Did you want to make us fear? You just steeled our resolve.

Did you want to tear us apart? You just brought us together.

Let me tell you about my people. We are a vast and quarrelsome family, a family rent by racial, social, political and class division, but a family nonetheless. We're frivolous, yes, capable of expending tremendous emotional energy on pop cultural minutiae -- a singer's revealing dress, a ball team's misfortune, a cartoon mouse. We're wealthy, too, spoiled by the ready availability of trinkets and material goods, and maybe because of that, we walk through life with a certain sense of blithe entitlement. We are fundamentally decent, though -- peace-loving and compassionate. We struggle to know the right thing and to do it. And we are, the overwhelming majority of us, people of faith, believers in a just and loving God.

Some people -- you, perhaps -- think that any or all of this makes us weak. You're mistaken. We are not weak. Indeed, we are strong in ways that cannot be measured by arsenals.


Yes, we're in pain now. We are in mourning and we are in shock. We're still grappling with the unreality of the awful thing you did, still working to make ourselves understand that this isn't a special effect from some Hollywood blockbuster, isn't the plot development from a Tom Clancy novel. Both in terms of the awful scope of their ambition and the probable final death toll, your attacks are likely to go down as the worst acts of terrorism in the history of the United States and, probably, the history of the world. You've bloodied us as we have never been bloodied before.

But there's a gulf of difference between making us bloody and making us fall. This is the lesson Japan was taught to its bitter sorrow the last time anyone hit us this hard, the last time anyone brought us such abrupt and monumental pain. When roused, we are righteous in our outrage, terrible in our force. When provoked by this level of barbarism, we will bear any suffering, pay any cost, go to any length, in the pursuit of justice.

I tell you this without fear of contradiction. I know my people, as you, I think, do not. What I know reassures me. It also causes me to tremble with dread of the future.

In the days to come, there will be recrimination and accusation, fingers pointing to determine whose failure allowed this to happen and what can be done to prevent it from happening again.

There will be heightened security, misguided talk of revoking basic freedoms. We'll go forward from this moment sobered, chastened, sad. But determined, too. Unimaginably determined.


You see, the steel in us is not always readily apparent. That aspect of our character is seldom understood by people who don't know us well. On this day, the family's bickering is put on hold. As Americans we will weep, as Americans we will mourn, and as Americans, we will rise in defense of all that we cherish.

So I ask again: What was it you hoped to teach us? It occurs to me that maybe you just wanted us to know the depths of your hatred. If that's the case, consider the message received.

And take this message in exchange:
-You don't know my people.
-You don't know what we're capable of.
-You don't know what you just started.

But you're about to learn.

Finally heard from Lisa on Wednesday night. She was working next door to the WTC when it was bombed. Cell phones were out, pay phones were out. I could not find my friend- who I was walking with at 5am on Saturday morning only a week earlier. She does not know where I live, so she ended up walking right past my house, covered in soot and dust, and continued walking for another hundred blocks to her secretary's home.
Her secretary had no Internet access.
Vin and Justine had evacuated Chinatown, called me to say they were OK. They called Lisa's roommate, and she related that Lisa was OK and at a "friend's" in Manhattan.
I couldn't even be that friend.
Finally made it home

Posted by Lisa on September 12, 2001 at 16:36:35:

    (posted from: cache-2.atw.pa.webcache.rcn.net (
After a very long day and an even longer night, I have finally arrived back in PA. I saw sights yesterday that I wish I could erase from my memory. Perhaps the scariest moment for me was after they had evacuated my building and I knew only two things - the twin towers had fallen and all planes were grounded. Walking to my secretary's home (who was kind enough to put me up yesterday) we had reached the area of the Empire State Building...and we heard a plane. I don't think I have ever been so scared in my life. Nor have I ever been so relieved as when I looked up and realized that they were fighter planes. I don't know if I want to go back - I think maybe it's time for a change of occupation.
EdScuba's friend was on my list of missing. I was very happy to take his name off my list. I kept checking at the hospital for the others.
A freind who's a NYFD Chief writes....

Posted by edscuba on September 12, 2001 at 18:47:23:

    (posted from: 1cust215.tnt3.long-branch.nj.da.uu.net (
Dear All:

I just want to sent a mass e-mail because I received so many calls and
e-mails inquiring about my health and safety in light of the World Trade
Center tragedy. I started yesterday assigned to Elmhurst, Queens but by
9:30 or so we were assigned to the World Trade center. I believe I was
assigned on the 3rd fifth alarm assignment, but things were happening so fast
that I'm not sure. The first building collapsed while I was in route. I
saw a huge dust cloud over the Hudson River and had believe the tower fell
into the river, but I later realized that the tower fell straight down and
what I saw was a huge dust cloud over the river. The second tower came down
when I was about 2 blocks away. I was overtaken by the black cloud of dust
and debris but no real heat. The dust and debris cloud was incredible, it
must have been 12 stories high and moving fast. I guess it was just like
being in an avalanche, You turn your back and start to run but you are very
quickly overtaken. Kind of like one of those Godzilla movies. When I was
overtaken the street went completely black, no visibility at all. I put my
mask on, stumbled into a few barricades, fell down a few times and made it
probably another 3 or 4 blocks before any kind of light returned.
Later that day I watched another 43 story high rise collapse, unbelievable.
We worked extremely hard all day.
The amount of devastation is very shocking.
I am safe, We are working very long hours and its hard work, hopefully we
will reach any and all survivors before its too late. I do believe we are
the best in the business and will reach all possible. I'm home today and
scheduled to work 24 hours starting tomorrow morning. Pretty much its 24
hours on , 24 hours off for the immediate future.
My wife Ginny was also down town yesterday and actually witnessed the
second plane into the World trade tower. She realized it was a day to leave
Manhattan quickly and did so. She had a hard time getting home, but most
importantly she is safe also.

Again, thank you to all for the tremendous amount of phone calls and e-mails
I received inquiring about my safety. I am truly overwhelmed. I hope to see
you all again soon and we will share better times.

Sincerely, Bob

Alan, in Texas, wrote to tell us of a lost hero brother on another of his boards. He must have been feeling the pain intensely as he was scanning his boards for lost and grieving members.
It was the first time we knew as a group that one of us was dead because of the terrorists.
It was not the last time.
One of the board members lost a brother (more)...

Posted by Alan on September 12, 2001 at 20:37:32:

    (posted from: cdm-206-222-54-coll.cox-internet.com (
...I just found out. One of the 6-series board members lost his brother, Brian Sweeney, on the United flight 175. In his post he said that his brother spoke with his mother at 8:58am from his cell phone in the plane saying that they were about to storm the cockpit. The plane apparently went down 6 minutes later.

I don't know why, but hearing of this has hit me harder than anything else in the last 36 hours. The good news is that lots of people we were worried about are checking in and are fine (Rachel, who checked in pretty early...Mark Volk...RichNYC...Ausgang from the E46 board who we were really worried about but contacted someone just a couple of hours ago...and more). Pray for rescues and also for all the families who have lost someone or are waiting for word.


 Posted by: Sweeney NE 86 635csi on 2001-09-12 at 06:45:40
 (posted from: Host: 1cust18.tnt9.bos1.da.uu.net IP:
I am enraged about the whole incident and on a personal level. 
Brian, my brother, my best friend was on United 175, the second plane to hit the towers. 
He called at 8:58am from the plane and talked to our mother. 
He said they had been hijacked, sent his love and in his true fashion,
a former F-14 pilot and born leader, said "We're storming the cockpit".
The plane impacted at 9:04am. 
My heart goes out to all affected by this most cowardly act. 
My first reaction would be to turn the Mid-East sand to glass...let the giant mushrooms grow. 

I had spoken to Tom the night before. He hadn't been on the Internet, but picked up a voicemail I had left him on his home phone. I guess the phone worked because Tom only lives 5 blocks from me. When I had spoken to him, he sounded like he would never return to Manhattan. When I saw this post, I was happy and proud to see he had come back- fighting.

RichNYC had also come back to get his company back on line, and when he saw this post he realized he was on the same block as Tom.
We haven't figured out whose coupe this is, but it was a very welcome sight.
Z3ers, we are everywhere.
My personal account..will make you :) (coorected)

Posted by Tom Young on September 13, 2001 at 21:36:03:

In Reply to: My personal account..will make you smile! posted by Tom Young on September 13, 2001 at 21:26:19:

    (posted from: 66-108-7-56.nyc.rr.com (

First and foremost, I cannot appreciate the overwhelming kindness and love from so many of my friends, thank you all for your heartfelt thoughts, Especially Rachel who has really been an embassador to many introductions, thank you.

While I can tell you that the accounts I have personally witnessed in the last 48 or whatever hours could probably fill a book, I'll spare the details and keep this brief:

I was in the financial district today to help check out our systems and found myself crossing Wall Street this morning to inspect another of our locations. In the backgroud you will see 75 Wall and other details demonstrating this, my only photo I snapped, is indeed genuine.

While right now, there are many friends and family in unsurmountable turmoil, we find a few things that might bring a smile, or some kind of comfort. I hope that this might...

I'll be out of touch... for now helping to keep our systems going, immediately afterward, in my convertible cruising far away from here to appreciate everything I see along the way.

Betty///M in Virginia was a non-stop propaganda maven and cheerleader
Tomorrow is national day of mourning & remembrance

Posted by Betty///M on September 13, 2001 at 22:07:13:

    (posted from: user7.firstsaga.com (
Pres. Bush has declared. Wear you red, white & blue, lights on, fly flag on your antenna. If you do not have one, go here.

Not content to serve his country and let it go at that, Dave (SigmaNu6) offered this thought, and this image for all of us to remember and display.

Posted by SigmaNu6 on September 14, 2001 at 09:37:20:

    (posted from: (

This was one of the first Z3 Pics I ever saw. This was the pic that made me want a Z3 when I was honorably discharged from the U.S. Navy in 1999. I know many of you have probably seen this before, but now (more than ever) it needs to be seen again...

Thanks Rachel for putting it on your site for me to post...


Follow Ups:

Here is the image as TimUK put it on the UK Z3 Message Board:

and as Fred Byrom (Teachum) put it on MidwestZ3.com:

Scott brought back good memories (from a page I haven't coded yet- whoops) and reminded us that we were all gung-ho Americans even when times were peaceful and we all felt safe.
Singing God Bless America with our group of Z3ers felt good then, and it feels even better now.
Kate Smith and '01 Missouri Memorial Day Cruise

Posted by SHZ3 on September 14, 2001 at 10:13:00:

    (posted from: d1-2-0-5-0.a03.stlsmo01.us.ce.verio.net (
Over the Memorial Day Weekend, my brother organized a wonderful 3 day Z3 cruise through scenic Missouri.
On the list of entertainment for the day was a tour of Meremac Caverns. I'm sure everyone who attended remembers belting out "God Bless America", singing along with the
immortal Kate Smith. It doesn't seem nearly as corny now.


BMW Pitches in. Yes, they really are our friends. That was their image of the Z3 with the US flag, and this was their idea for Labor Day/Homecoming. This X5 was what greeted us at the Zentrum, only a week ago.

Posted by Jon Shafer on September 14, 2001 at 12:19:35:

    (posted from: (

September 14, 2001 - The BMW Group is committing cash and products to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund and the City of New York to assist in relief efforts following Tuesday's attack on the United States.

BMW will donate $1 million in cash and ten new BMW X5 Sports
Activity Vehicles to the Red Cross for its national relief efforts. One hundred police motorcycles will be given to the City of New York to help replace equipment lost in the New York Police Department motor pool. The total donation is valued at $2.4 million.

In a joint statement, the chief executives of BMW's manufacturing, sales and marketing, financial services, technology and design companies said "on behalf of our employees, dealers, and customers, we hope this donation will assist the relief effort, honor the memory of
those who lost their lives, and show our appreciation for the freedom and opportunity this country offers."

The BMW companies in the United States are located in
Spartanburg, SC; Woodcliff Lake, NJ, Dublin, OH, and Newbury Park, CA.

Someone asked me in a marketing survey what "pride in ownership" meant to me as a BMW owner. Ask me now if I am proud to be a BMW owner.

By this time, fighting to keep our spirits up was a nearly impossible task. Teachum was inspired, and inspired us all.
reflecting and never forgetting...

Posted by Teachum on September 15, 2001 at 22:04:28:

    (posted from: c127552-a.oklwn1.il.home.com (
I hope I don't get into trouble for doing this. It's been a bummer of a week and I just had to do something. I grabed some pictures from the net and put them together in a flash file. This is a very large file and I hope it gets bigger. Im looking for more pics if you would like to share them with us send them on. Mostly I'm looking for people helping others and such, not the pics of the attacks. It's not so good if you have a slow connection. Once I get enough together I will make a preload that may make it better but don't count on it.
Anyone got a email addy for Neil Diamond?
Teachum's Home PageTeachum's Home Page

Follow Ups:

See what I mean about Betty///M? A tireless cheerleader, when she wasn't writing up great ideas and volunteering to hook us all up with flags, she was writing me words of comfort.
I lucked onto a neat deal today.

Posted by Betty///M on September 15, 2001 at 23:47:56:

In Reply to: Good Z3 Flag Decals? posted by AE on September 15, 2001 at 22:34:34:

    (posted from: user46.firstsaga.com (
Our local grocery store chain, Ukrop's, was selling a magnet 5.25 x 8.5". I slapped it right onto my Z3's door and it looks great! Plus $2.00 of each one goes to a relief fund. They are $4.00, if anyone wants one I will pick them up and mail them to you.

From Pat's photo album:

TERROR 911 - Pictures

Posted by Pat on September 16, 2001 at 14:32:28:

    (posted from: cc278039-d.plfld1.nj.home.com (
I went to NYC to volunteer and was also able to capture these pictures. God Bless America!!

Pat also supplied with another photo, a very meaningful photo of her first Z3 in front of the World Trade Center, on what was a very good day.

Zeattle Dave finished his cross country trip early. Everyone, everywhere just wanted to get "home".
My personal Homecoming (Long)

Posted by ZeattleDave on September 16, 2001 at 16:37:56:

    (posted from: ip159.r11.d.bel.nwlink.com (
Leaving Seattle August 23rd , it was the middle of the Summer. Temperatures were very hot and I thought there would be no cooling for the forseeable future anywhere in my journey.

Driving across this great continent made me realize just how precious our country was. I was already thinking this by the end of August. We stayed at Tom's cabin in Tahoe (forever to be known as Tahoe Tom!) and headed across vast expanses of unpopulated areas. I will not call these wastelands as these are quite delicate, fragile and terribly beautiful lands.

The things I and others complained about seem trivial now (this traffic is terrible; they close the pool when?!? NO, Dakar is NOT pronounced like that).

Thinking about the trip as a whole, were were all quite fortunate in our lives that we could financially, physically and temporally make the journey to homecoming. I especially had no reason to come back to Seattle before September 20th as the new quarter didn't begin until the 24th.

Therefore, I went to visit my Dad and StepMom in Coco Beach, Florida for a few days before heading down to Key West, the Southernmost point in the continental U.S. After coming back to Coco Beach, I headed to Biloxi, Mississippi where I had a very relaxing time staying at the Beau Rivage casino. On the way to meeting WardHog in Shreveport, he told me what happened at the WTC. Talking to my Dad a few minutes later, I was informed about the collapse and of the Pentagon. I was on the phone for 25 minutes at the gas station pump and a very nice woman a few cars away asked if I knew the latest news.

This was a sign of things to come for the rest of the trip. People had no real walls for the 2500 miles ahead of me to get home. Talking to two elderly men at the four corners - one of whom was wearing his old submarine name on his baseball cap, he told me that a few days before, a biker asked if he was ready to climb back down in that submarine. Bikers talking to retirees, talking to hunters! Everybody talking to everybody! It was a great moment in America and I had a tiny glimpse of it. We all instinctively knew that we can be what we want in this country much more than in any other country on the planet and that there is no other place for us than here.

Seeing the astounding lighting conditions in New Mexico, the Arches of Utah; and the really great Fall colors beginning near Heber City, Utah, I knew that the Seasons were changing; that Fall must follow Summer; then Winter; but the renewal of Spring will be here someday. It seems like a long way off right now and it truly is going to be One Day at a Time.

Thanks for letting me ramble - this message board is truly a part of my life. The people I've met both in person and through the boards; the enthusiasm we all share; the passion we have for driving; the fact that many of us fell in love with the car - that many of us bought the Z3 because of the emotional response of the styling rather than for any kind of logical reason. I don't recall meeting a single person that said they bought the Z3 because of reading Consumer Reports (a great magazine, but the Z3 can't really be quantified in that manner) or by logically deducting that it was the 'best' - however it was defined.

Note that I desperately wanted to get home after hearing the news, so I left Shreveport Wednesday and got into Seattle Friday - about 2 1/2 days.

Dave finally out

We welcomed in a new member of the family- as they did their part for the economy.
A new additon to the family

Posted by NKYBimmer on September 16, 2001 at 19:09:01:

    (posted from: cgey-int-fw1-pub.ey.com (
My wife and I had been looking for a new car for her and had pretty much decided on a Z3 to go along with my E39. We were going to wait until the economy settled down, but I came across a good deal on a used 2001 (dealer loaner) on Thursday. I thought it would be a nice way to show my confidence in economy (all our small gestures can add up) so we went ahead and bought it.

'01 3.0, Electric Red, Sport/Prem.

Tentatively nicknamed "the Ticket Master". Will post pics soon. Now I have to post on two boards and get ready for my second round of mods! I have a few questions on upgrades, but I'm searching the archives first.

Here is the picture that Pat gave us, and some of the board members renditions of it covered in Old Glory. It may take some time to load...
Rachel. A first attempt at the pic. Not very...

Posted by Kevin in NH on September 17, 2001 at 12:57:42:

    (posted from: (

...happy with it but figured I would post it anyway.

Follow Ups:

WTC Z3 Graphics- what I've done with your pics

(archive link: http://www.bimmer.org/z3/messages/archive/msgsy2001w38/98734.html)

Posted by of Pat's car -Rachel on September 18, 2001 at 18:45:53:

    (posted from: 66-108-7-56.nyc.rr.com (
Natch, workin on a web page for WTC Z3ers...

This is an animated gif of your pics:
(it's 2.5 mgs so I linked it instead of posting. This will take a couple minutes on 56K I think)


And This is a zipped realvideo of your pics:
(this is only 225k but- it has me singing on it because I don't have a copy of "You are so beautiful" on hand. Just a rough job- ok you don't like, just turn the volume off.)
You have to "unzip" (or "unstuff" in Mac land) it before you can run if off your RealPlayer. Good luck configuring your RealPlayer! ;)


I hope you like them :o)

Tribute to a hero on flight 93 -

Posted by DaveP on September 17, 2001 at 14:57:26:

    (posted from: (
I think it was last Wednesday that I saw the interview with Deena Burnett on TV. A very brave women. Left with 3 small children who want to know when their dad will call them from Heaven on his cell phone. I'm sure you all know who I'm talking about and that you recognize the tremendous bravery and determination that her husband Tom Burnett, and a few others on the flight, brought to bear on those who would attack our nation. Her recounting of their last few words together seemed to distill the tragedy that befell so many others that day. She is very proud of him.

Since then I've been trying to find out how to send some money to Tom's family in his memory as a tribute them ... and as a symbol of my gratitude that he and some of his fellow passengers were able to save our nation from untold further suffering. Surely we could have lost the Capital building. Perhaps worse, the President might have been forced to have had the plane shot down. I don't know which would have brought more anguish to us as a people. Either way, the terrorists would have won. Thank you, Thomas Burnett, from the bottom of my heart.

Over the past few days I've tracked down a fund that will allow me/us to do that. First of all, the article on CNN that described the tragedy (http://www.cnn.com/2001/US/09/12/family.reacts/) mentioned that the family's priest is Rev. Frank Colacicco, of St. Isidore's Church. I found their website (http://www.st-isidore-danville.org/Ministries/EucharisticMinisters.html) and called the number listed there (925-837-2122). I spoke with Michelle who told me they were setting up a fund and would call me back with information. Not hearing back from them that day, I called again and Eileen Perez told me they were very busy preparing a memorial service, but that Tom's company was setting up a fund and she would email me with that information when they find out. On Friday I received an email from her with this attachment:

"Thomas Burnett Memorial Trust FUND
5/29/1963 to 9/11/2001

Memorial Trust Fund for the Children
of Tom Burnett has been established.
For further information check


This website had the information on where to send donations. I wanted to have the money go directly to his wife so I called the contact person mentioned there (Kelly Trevethan, 415-438-2926) and got a recording saying I could email him. I did so and received this back from him on Saturday night:


A trust fund has been established for the direct benefit of Deena and her
three girls. If you have any further questions you can call me at


Kelly Trevethan
Executive Director
The Trevethan Group @ CIBC World Markets
(415) 438-2926 Direct
(415) 505-0584 Mobile
(415) 438-3086 Fax"

I also received a phone message from Michelle telling me to check his company's website "Thoratec.com" for information on the "Memorial Trust Fund for the Children of Tom Burnett". The address in the .pdf file linked there is:

The Thomas E. Burnett Jr. Family Memorial Fund
C/o CIBC Oppenheimer Corp.
Account #074-17387-10
580 California Street, Suite 2300
San Francisco, CA 94101

I think I've covered all the bases. I'm sending a generous contribution. Not being a natural born leader though, I look at him in awe and hope that I would have the same courage if swept up by a similar crisis. As a symbol of that, I'd like to offer to the Z3 Message Board my services in order to represent the sentiments of our group. If anyone cares to, they can make out a check to the fund listed above. You can mail it directly to them. Or if the idea of contributing as a group appeals to you, send it to me and I will forward however many I receive together in the name of "The BMW Z3 Message Board, www.bimmer.org/z3/messages". Please email me that you are doing so that I'll know how many to expect, and when, before mailing them out together.

Yours truly, David G. Pavlik

Follow Ups:

That's Bill with the umbrella behind Lisa.
Bill is a Volunteer Fire Chief/EMT in Connecticut.
He was writing me from the first nanosecond telling me he had ten firefighters with him waiting their turn to come help out their "brothers".
Benefit NYC Firefights & EMS survivors

Posted by Bill Z - WJZBMW on September 17, 2001 at 16:35:01:

    (posted from: 179.hartford-01rh15rt.ct.dial-access.att.net (
In addition to the Twin Towers Fund for police, fire and EMS workers that lost their lives you can also contribute to the New York Firefighters 9-11 Disaster Relief Fund
1. by mail:
New York Firefighters 9-11 Disaster Relief Fund
c/o Firehouse.com
9658 Baltimore Ave - Suite 350
College Park, MD 20740
2. on line:

You can obtain further info at www.firehouse.com

came for hope and caring since September 18, 2001