Z3 Sluts, Drive United
Much thanks to Tom Brenholts, (Mosca) for his photos!
the Miata Mobsters and RoadsterChat for inviting us to this ride, and Keith for leading it
And now from the "If you invite me, I have a tendency to show up" department...
(9/25/01 3:53:04 pm) RachelZ3:Anyone wanna play this weekend in the NYC area?
If the weather is fine, I could use a ride on Saturday or sunday, I know some roads heh heh heh
(9/25/01 4:17:47 pm) aeagles: so, um, rachel - have you been introduced to the NJ Miata Mob??
They have this planned for the weekend...
(9/25/01 9:35:34 pm) RachelZ3:
wow I am so PSYCHED!!!!! They are running a ride nearly the same as one I led!
I read the thread and I can't see if they have decided Saturday or Sunday at what time or where to meet... JonT is here and he is into it also.
I will ask them if they would accept a couple Z3s...
(9/25/01 9:59:14 pm) aeagles:
you're welcome.
if you go...please try to keep up...
I am a city chick, not the kind of gal who can fend for herself in Paramus.
I had looked on a map but once I was actually IN Paramus, it all looked like a mall. I had the printout from the 'net and the Traffic Pro, Thank God.
I don't know if they make Traffic Pro for Miatae, but it rocks.
I run into road blocks all the time in Manhattan now, it's the way things are. Helps a lot to have Traffic Pro get me reacclimated when I am going around in circles.
(Driving Up the Wrong side of the West Side Highway, to safeguard the Post Office, and the Red Cross Ship "Comfort")
So I made it to Paramus without Traffic Pro's help, but once I was at the mall on a Sunday... Thank God for Traffic Pro. It told me when I was on "Sears Drive" from "A & S Drive" and before I knew it, from oceans of empty parking lots, I found the Miatae assembling.
In about 2 seconds we were all yakking our heads off, poking around each other's rides
Nice chrome accents on the trunk lids of Miata, a home made windscreen, one vanity plate, a spectacular color blue.
The next car in was Rob and Kathy- wow I was glad to see them.
Every drive I have been on recently has had something to do with donuts.... MmmMMmmmmm donuts
Z3 to t he rescue... JonT uses my air pump to give aanka some much needed trie pressue
Andrea (Redline) and
These guys could be a boy-band... ... ... and Kevin
Richard gets sticky and Sharon accidentally matches her Crystal Blue
JonT had NO camera, and I was being especially fablungent with mine, so ... less pics. Gotta use your imagination.
We ended up with 16 cars.
Check out the grins on everyone's faces.
Keith is getting ready to rumble...
So Keith led us on a merry ride, into a state park and out. When we got out there was a cop directing traffic for us! He stopped all the traffic and let us go!
Like, spontaneous....
sorry, my camera jammed :(
Some roads were familiar, and Jon and Rob and Kathy and I were happy to see that the Mobsters take at least one loop around a circle extra, as a matter of course.
Of course.
Doesn't everyone?
We saw a Z3 approaching, top up. I was embarassed until I realized that it doesn't matter what that person is doing, because I'm doing what I want, and so are they.
Then we saw a Miata with their top up, and the Miatae got the same treatment.;P
There is even the same division about Zaino, Meguairs....
One thing is different though... I don't think any Z3ers would lean on their paint.
Stopping in a few places that had a fine time telling us in no uncertain terms that we were not going to be using their bathrooms.
Apparently the folks at the front of the pack had a little excitement from a lady trooper. She boomed over her megaphone: "Slow it down to 40, I'll stay here all day writing you all tickets if I have to!"
la la la
Best line- "Officer, this is a Z3, those are Miatas, we're not with them!"
A victim of coicumstance....
Passing motorcycles calling out to me, "Hey, what are you doing there?"
Some of us in the back were playing catch up games....
la la la
The MR2 and I needed gas- another nice thing about mixing up makes is his tank is on the left and mine on the right so it was easy to share the pump :)
Next Stop, Pizza!
It took me 2.5 hours to get home, back to the war zone
the Empire State Building.
When I got back I got an email from Vin. He would have joined us but due to the crisis, he has trouble getting on the 'net, so he didn't know about it.
Before I return to reality, I just have to say THANK YOU again to the Miata Mobsters and RoadsterChat, Keith and the MR2 and the Z3 Sluts, we will ride with anyone.
Can't wait for next one! WOOHOO!!!