Miracle BBQ
487k zipped EVIL realvideo

(If you value your sanity, do not download this video, unzip it and play it off your hard drive... you have been warned!!! ;D)

It's pretty funny what happens when the days leap to 60 and 70 degrees in the Northeast in December.
Absolutely everyone is thinking.... BAR B QUE BAR B QUE BAR B QUE!
We missed a 70 degree day the day before, but scored on a 50 ish degree day.
And then there is the MEAT issue. Come to think of it. We did almost every politically incorrect thing to do. We came for MEAT, there was cigarette smoking going on, using disposable lighters, I was wearing fur and we certainly didn't carpool...
Oprah and PETA are organizing a rally...

These wonderful appetizer spreads came from the same supermarket where millionaire murder suspect and fugitive Robert Durst was picked up for shoplifting a sandwich and a bandaid with $500.00 in his pocket the day before.
Maybe you ran into him in the checkout line?
Whose ciggies are those?

The MEAT awaits...
We scarfed down the appetizers smoked and yakked while waiting for the arrival of the designated Grill MaZter, Mario.

DIY instructions:
1) Get Meat on Grill
2) Lubricate Grill MaZter

3) Make nice stripey sear marks on one side
4) Cook other side

Meanwhile, the sinners sinned.
Amazing but true, Rachel stayed in the vicinity.
It was a smoker's day, and they were outside only, keeping the mosquitoes away...

"Hey Rachel, we got somethin for you..."

Why does this make me nervous...
"Here, hold this, but don't look at it... trust me."
"Trust Me"?
Don't you know what New Yorkers think "Trust Me" means?

You guys crack me up...
Definitely "Socially Hazardous"

Proudly displaying the goods...

Mario's got the MEAT!
Let's EAT!

By this time, the folks who had gatered inside had unfurled Ed's "Manhattan Unfurled" and were checking out the skyline of New York City
Ed has good toys, more on that later... :)

Very nice... and here comes the MEAT!

Where's...the.... BEEF?????


Huh? Wha? Move? Move Cars? Someone's got to go? Must... move... cars...

Oh right, the cars...

And the parasailer... wonder if he was wishing he was in one of these instead...
Jeez, you could practically parasail into the driver's seat of one of these cars..

The cars, the cars the CARS!!!!

This BMW ___ is Bud and Yvette's Z3 for the day... their car was in the shop :(
So it was really 9 Z3s at the BBQ...

Sooner or later every Z3 event ends up in the parking lot....
with the babies...



Yes, sir, that's my baby...

Ed's Splurgemobile has lots of special toys... dual armrest, chrome trunk lifter, seatcovers...

Let's face it, Mick and Rita have the best license plate...
Mick and Than got very creative with flags, Mick and Rita's is stuck in their roof latch hole...
Flags, the bigger the better

JonT and Saffy- hey, where's your vanity plate Jon?

Let's head over to the MarioMobile... still wearing Skin Mechanic's beautiful magnetic flag wear...

Mario's baby... so much to look at... in the engine, in the car, and what is that in the trunk, hmmmm?

Ed Bansch's Splurgemobile inherits Mario's Fogg Box
It is a touching 1.9 moment
As the legacy of Shawn Fogg's magic Fogg AirBox is handed from one loving 1.9 owner to another...
as Bud, another 1.9 owner is looking on, thinking, "Me next!"
(Yvette says she is for anything that makes their car FASTER!)
For some reason, Mario's is the only car we can hear coming from the backyard...

Mario's ASC-less engine, Dinan Cold Air Intake, Momo steering wheel, Short Shifter, Chrome Knob, Skin Mechanic's Magnetic Flag creations

Than and Kathy's Flag in the side window- again, the bigger the flag the better!
Kathy has got the right hat to keep warm top down! (Soon to be a Z3Hatz!- OK just kidding)

These friends in BMW models joined us, please help me with model numbers? One is Connie and Doug's, One is Roxana's, and One is Bud and Yvette's, it was good to have everyone together!
It was also Connie's birthday, and she got sung to....

I was lucky and happy to have RichNYC to drive out with in the morning...
"whuh...huh... get up? ... drive? Oh right... Sunday... BBQ...uh huh..."
and even better to return home with him that night. The Empire State Building was Red and Green for the holidays, the first time it changed from Red White and Blue since Sep 11.
You can't get much more American or more Z3 than this day.
Thank you Lisa and Doreen for an amazing day!
Thank you Jon and Mario for your pics and video, thank you everyone!
since November 30, 2001
December Miracle BBQ
Part 1 Appetizers~~ Part 2 GrillMaZter Mario~~ Part 3 Sinners~~
Part 4 Trust Me~~ Part 5 Meet the Meat~~
Part 6 The Meal~~ Part 7 Driveway~~
Part 8 The Cars~~
Part 9 What's in Mario's Trunk?~~ Part 10 End of a Great Day~~
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