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Now this is the biggie. If you followed the map and read the directions, you know they walked the yellow line down the Esplanade to get to the ferry for the Statue of Liberty. Time passes and tickets were arranged, but the orange LINE for ticket holders is excruciating. LONG. HOT. BORING. No one in NYC goes on this trip because it takes soooooo long and then they stuff you into the white holding tent to wait for the ferry. The tent holds as much as a ferry. It's covered but there is no breeze. It's really awful. But... because Nora is in the military and Ed is a state trooper in Texas, they get to CUT THE LINE! This was so funny, because Nora was actually afraid the people in line would tear them to pieces- after 2 tours in Iraq these people in line were scary! Not only did they cut right to the white tent, but also the ferry was waiting so they just went... right... on. :) I think this was the end of the Mosely's travel gremlins.

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