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Melissa wrote: "Dear Rachel and all FDNY firefighters,
I read your email and I appreciate everything you do. I am orignially a New Yorker, and was in high school during 9-11. I been in the military ever since the age of 17. I agree with what you say about having a child and thinking about where to be safe, whether you should leave the city or not. I can honestly say that its people like you, both the FDNY and even you Rachel, that make others feel safe. I have a son, and I think about him everyday that I am here, but I know he is in good hands, being taken care of.
I think that the FDNY are true heroes, everyday. They do more for people than I can ever imagine doing. They dont have a set time of when they are going out to help, they just know they can be called at anytime and they respond. They do it for the stranger next to them. I thank you for that.
And Rachel, although you might not know it, it is people like you that keep our heads up out here. Your support is beyond anything else I could ask for.
I would really like to place pictures up of the FDNY and you in our office area. I can recieve pictures through the Internet but it doesn't print out well. Plus its a good feeling to hear and see people from my home state. I hope you all take care and I know it is hard to write because life moves fast and even faster in NY. Take care of your little baby as well. And whenever I finish my tour here in iraq, I can always stop through and personally thank you all.
Sincerely Melissa"
And Marine 1 sends you a shout out Melissa!
Merry Christmas 2008 everyone, Happy Hanuka and whatever else you celebrate, Best Wishes for the New Year- especially to those who serve.